Use Cases for django-facebook-graph

Facebook Connect with Django

You can automatically login a user that has already been authenticated. Add this to your login.html template:

{% block extra-js %}
{% if not request.user.is_authenticated %}
<script type="text/javascript">
    if(fb.status == 'connected') {
        window.location = '{% url fb_connect %}?next={% url myview %}';
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}

For views that require a logged in user you could either check the status on the server with, or better, on the client side with the following piece of code:

{% if request.user.is_authenticated %}
    if (fb.status == 'not_authorized') {
        window.location = '{% url fb_logout %}';
{% endif %}

The advantage of checking the status in the browser is that the response time is usually shorter.

App Tabs and Facebook login

It is not easy to do a deeplink into an app tab. Facebook doesn’t really support it. The only workaround is using the Redirect2AppDataMiddleware and calling facebook/redirect with the url urlencoded as app_data parameter.

That’s how it looks:

'REDIRECT-URL': '<MY_APP_NAMESPACE>/facebook/redirect/?<FB_PAGE>%3Fsk%3Dapp_<APP_ID>%26app_data%3D%2<DEEPLINK_URL>%2F',

Make sure you have the canvas url parameters in the developer app set to the root or wherever facebook should fetch the redirect from.

Login while keeping the App requests

On some browsers you have to make sure that all protocols match. I.e. if your iframe is loaded via https you cannot redirect to a http url. The problem here is that if Facebook itself is on a http url the redirect will be to the http url as well.

<fb:login-button scope="email" onlogin="login_redirect();"></fb:login-button>

function login_redirect(){
    window.location = ('https:' == location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://')+'{% url join_team %}{% if request.GET.request_ids %}?request_ids={{ request.GET.request_ids }}{% endif %}';